Friday, July 28, 2023

Link Dump #97

Today might be a good day to read :)

  1. Software Architecture
    1. The microservice architecture is meant to simplify and accelerate development, but only when done correctly #PickOfTheWeek
      In this article, the author describes why using the microservice architecture can accelerate software delivery. You will learn about two common architectural smells that can have the opposite effect and slow down development. The author also describes how it’s insufficient to simply adopt microservices.
    2. Differences between gRPC, REST, SOAP, and GraphQL
      In this article, you will delve into the distinctive characteristics of gRPC, REST, SOAP, and GraphQL, unraveling their differences and helping you navigate the API universe with confidence.
    3. Stream Processing Scalability: Challenges and Solutions
      Good streaming processing systems may be difficult to develop, and the article has highlighted the main challenges of it.
  2. Software Development
    1. Reactive database access on the JVM
      In this post, you will learn about Hibernate Reactive, Spring Data R2DBC, jOOQ, and see how they work in action.
  3. Testing
    1. Snapshot Testing #PickOfTheWeek
      What the snapshot testing is and what are the benefits of this type of tests?
  4. Agile
    1. Identify Valuable or Wasteful Meetings
      How do your meetings look? What are the good ones, the bad ones, and the downright wasteful meetings?
  5. Leadership
    1. To Help Your Team Grow, Give Them Space to Struggle #PickOfTheWeek
      When you see an employee struggling with a task you could do easily, it’s only natural to want to step in and help. But from the other side, this can feel more like micromanagement than support.
    2. 3 Principles to Upgrade Your Leadership with Compassionate Accountability
      How would you lead differently if you treated yourself and others as valuable, capable, and responsible in every interaction?
    3. Being a good mentor – a developers guide #PickOfTheWeek
      Mentoring is an integral part of personal and professional growth, both for the mentor and the mentee. It's the secret sauce that differentiates successful teams and individuals from the rest.
  6. Communication
    1. Be Brief. Be Bright. Be Gone. #PickOfTheWeek
      How do you go into your next meeting and make your point?
  7. Fun
    1. History of debugging
    2. Deprecated
    3. Parental Guidance

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