Friday, December 8, 2023

Link Dump #116

It is snowing and it's cold! Do you need any more arguments to grab a cup of coffee and enjoy the reading?

  1. Software Development
    1. Logging Cheat Sheet #PickOfTheWeek
      This cheat sheet is focused on providing developers with concentrated guidance on building application logging mechanisms, especially related to security logging.
    2. Canary releases with Apache APISIX #PickOfTheWeek
      In this post, the author explains what the canary release is, explains different ways to define the fraction, and shows how to execute it with Apache APISIX.
    3. Striking the Balance: Unraveling DataOps vs. DevOps for Optimal Efficiency in Data-Driven Ecosystems
      The decision between DataOps and DevOps is not a matter of one being superior to the other; rather, it hinges on the unique objectives and challenges faced by an organization. Learn what you should take into consideration before making this decision.
  2. Clean Code
    1. TDD is Kanban for Code
      If TDD is kanban for code what is the product? What is the kanban card? What are the production steps? Read the article to find answers for these and more questions.
    2. Exceptional Exception Handling
      Have you ever seen huge and misleading exception-handling blocks? Learn how to improve this part of your code.
  3. Testing
    1. Innovative Testing Strategies: How Shadow Testing Shields Against Production Issues #PickOfTheWeek
      By leveraging an array of sophisticated testing tools, Shadow Testing emerges as a key player in the realm of risk mitigation. Read the article and learn more about this approach.
    2. Decoding A/B Testing: A Comprehensive Roadmap to Optimizing Success with Practical Examples
      In this comprehensive guide, you will find information about the fundamentals of A/B testing, unraveling its intricacies, and providing you with practical insights on how to seamlessly integrate it into your growth strategy.
  4. Agile
    1. Scrum Team in a nutshell
      Making Scrum work well is mostly about getting the roles right, both understanding them and ensuring that each role can fulfill its obligations to the team and the project.
  5. Leadership
    1. Mastering team charters: Empowering your teams for success
      A team charter can be a great way to empower a team and lead it to success. Mohammed Vaghef looks at how to put a charter together and at the benefits it can deliver.
    2. Moving Levels of Performance
      To make your team perform well, the training, even more training, is not enough.
  6. Fun
    1. Input validation is a sure thing
    2. Balancing Stick
    3. Evaluating Perks

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