Friday, May 10, 2024

Link Dump #138

No one ever: there are days when there's no time for reading.

  1. Software Development
    1. The Power of Post-Its: Deciphering Business Processes with Event Storming #PickOfTheWeek
      Event Storming is a technique that can help you overcome obstacles and tackle unfamiliar projects with complex business logic.
    2. You're not a software engineer; you're a "frameworker" #PickOfTheWeek
      Are you a developer who easily jumps from framework and libraries to another tool? Are you a developer who knows how they work under the hood?
    3. Kafka queues: now and in the future
      In the article, you'll take a look at the characteristics and limitations of consumer groups. Then, you'll examine the new features proposed by KIP-932. Finally, you'll discuss how some of the queueing features can be implemented in Kafka today, using the KMQ pattern.
  2. Languages and Libraries
    1. Introduction to Java 22
      In this tutorial, you’ll dive deep into the latest Java release, Java 22, which is now in General Availability.
  3. Agile
    1. Agile vs Waterfall: Can They Coexist?
      In the article, you will find information about the specifics of Agile and Waterfall, explore real-world examples of their application, and unpack the key factors to consider when choosing the right methodology for your project.
  4. Leadership
    1. Leader as Referee
      Just as a referee in a sporting contest must ensure that competitive behavior doesn't impede fair play, a leader in some situations must assess the costs and benefits of internal competition and determine how to respond when conflicts occur.
    2. The 3 Most Important Moments in a One-On-One
      You don't have time to waste. Every one-on-one has a beginning, middle, and end. Here's what to do at each key moment.
    3. The genius of listening to stories #PickOfTheWeek
      Facts are about reliability. Stories invite engagement. How can leaders tell stories and how can they invite people to tell their story?
  5. Fun
    1. Get rich or die trying
    2. Undocumented spaghetti code
    3. Genie error

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