Friday, June 21, 2024

Link Dump #144

It's Friday - time for reading! Of course, other days are good for reading as well.

  1. Software Development
    1. Shift Left is Dead
      In a world with AI development tools, shift left becomes functionally dead, leaving developers unable to handle the workload and produce quality code.
    2. URI design suggestions
      URI design is important because it is hard to change URIs later without breaking client code. So it is good to think about URI design before building an API. In this post, you will find URI design suggestions for REST APIs.
    3. Taming the Storm: How Chaotic Exploration Shapes Big Picture Event Storming #PickOfTheWeek
      Having delved into the intricacies of event storming, its various types, and effective workshop facilitation, it’s now time to embark on our first practical example.
    4. The Trough of Despair #PickOfTheWeek
      It always gets worse before it gets better. We can ignore the Sad Truth, try to leap directly to the better design, but reality always gets a veto. Learn what you can do with that truth without ignoring it.
  2. Leadership
    1. Learning to Delegate as a First-Time Manager
      Learning how to delegate well is a skill every first-time manager needs to learn from the very start. Many people are promoted into management for doing their previous job well. But once you’re promoted into a leadership role, you must accept that you can’t do everything on your own — nor should you.
    2. 5 Traps to Avoid as You Gain Power as a Leader #PickOfTheWeek
      As you transition to a leadership role, your relationship to power changes: You gain more of it, and people start acting differently around you due to your authority. How can you avoid the hidden traps of gaining power, which shapes you in ways you may not realize? The authors outline five key traps leaders can fall into and offer ways to counteract each.
  3. Agile
    1. SPIDR: Five Simple but Powerful Ways to Split User Stories #PickOfTheWeek
  4. Fun
    1. Experts in AI
    2. Not everyone should code

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