Friday, July 12, 2024

Link Dump #146

Any plans for the holidays? Except reading, of course :)

  1. Software Architecture
    1. Cloud-First, Cloud-Smart to Cloud-Minimalism – A Strategic Shift
      It might seem lucrative to embrace the cloud in its entirety in the short term, but it can bring some bottlenecks in the mid-to-long term. Selectivity in investing in the cloud can bring more benefits in the mid-term to long term.
    2. STOP hurting yourself by doing big bang modernization! #PickOfTheWeek
      This article discusses why big bang modernizations are a bad idea.
  2. Software Development
    1. How to Scale RAG and Build More Accurate LLMs
      RAG is a powerful model for improving the accuracy of LLMs and making generative AI applications viable for enterprise use cases. Learn how to improve it and adjust it to the company needs.
    2. AI Success Depends on Tackling “Process Debt” #PickOfTheWeek
      Without tackling process debt, companies won’t be able to realize the massive potential of technologies like AI. Remapping and reprioritizing how your organization does work can lead to startling results and focus your organization on the activities it’s better equipped to deliver.
    3. Things I wish I knew when I started with Event Sourcing - part 1 #PickOfTheWeek
      By having the entire history of changes in your entities, you’re free to replay it either from the start or from some point in time every time you want. Learn how event sourcing allows for this.
    4. Hacking for Defenders: approaches to DARPA’s AI Cyber Challenge
      This blog post explains Google's approach to the exemplar challenge using open source technology found in Google’s OSS-Fuzz, highlighting opportunities where AI can supercharge the platform’s ability to find and patch vulnerabilities.
    5. Protobuf vs. gRPC
      In this article, you’ll learn about Protobuf and gRPC, about their differences, similarities, advantages, and disadvantages to comprehensively understand their roles in microservices architecture.
  3. Testing
    1. Testing Agents: More than a Copilot
      A new level of assistant is emerging as AI technology is embedded directly into development and testing tools.
  4. Leadership
    1. No Matter What Work You Do, You Have a Customer
      Everyone has a customer. It just might not be who you thought. Ask yourself who uses what you make. How do their behaviors indicate that you’ve delivered value to them?
    2. 4 Reasons Goal Setting Conversations Fail and How To Fix Them #PickOfTheWeek
      What are some keys to successful goal setting?
  5. Agile
    1. Blending Lean and Agile for True Transformation
      In this article, you'll explore how Lean and Agile can work together to achieve results and shed light on the potential benefits of incorporating techniques from change management, Lean Six Sigma, and Kanban.

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