Friday, July 19, 2024

Link Dump #147

If it is too hot outside you can always stay at home and read something... or you can take the reading with you outside:

  1. Software Architecture
    1. Mastering API Design Best Practices
      This guide dives into the world of API design best practices, equipping you with the knowledge to create clear, consistent, and user-friendly APIs.
  2. Software Development
    1. What is AI watermarking?
      In this blog post, the author covers what AI watermarking is and how it is applied to different modalities like images, text, and audio.
    2. Mastering Your Code with Git: A Version Control Primer
      This introduction will equip you with the fundamentals of Git, enabling you to keep track of your code’s evolution, collaborate seamlessly with others, and revert to previous versions effortlessly.
  3. Clean Code
    1. TDD is Not Hill Climbing #PickOfTheWeek
      Are there any valid states of code that can’t be reached one test case at a time? Learn Kent Beck's opinion on it.
    2. Files.fileExists or file.exists?
      How would you design a class that abstracts a file on a disk with certain properties? This may sound like a matter of taste, but it’s not that simple.
    3. Why test-driven development and pair programming are perfect companions for GitHub Copilot #PickOfTheWeek
      GitHub Copilot (and similar tools) can enhance the quality of the software produced, but only if the development process fosters communication, and if the implementation is focused on iteratively producing clean and efficient code.
  4. Agile
    1. What Does a Product Owner Do, When, and Why? #PickOfTheWeek
      How do product owners get everything done? What does their process look like before projects begin, quarterly, and during each sprint? Why do they even do certain things?
    2. Standups: Individual → Teammate
      Treating standup meetings as a technical solution to a technical problem misses the real point. We’re people. With needs. The better those needs are met, the better we can meet the needs of others.

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