Friday, September 13, 2024

Link Dump #155

School year just started... less noise at home... reading enjoy even more :D

  1. Software Architecture
    1. Inter-Microservice Data Communication
      In this article you will find information about various strategies and best practices for inter-microservice data communication. Learn what are the advantages and disadvantages of different approaches and get guidance on choosing the most suitable method for your specific use case.
    2. Architectural patterns for modular monoliths that enable fast flow #PickOfTheWeek
      In this article, the author describes three architectural patterns for modular monoliths which helps maintain its complexity: Modular monolith, aka. domain-oriented monolith, Domain module API and Domain API build module.
  2. Software Development
    1. 5 Reliable Tricks To Maximize Shared Knowledge In Event Storming
      Event Storming is all about exchanging as much domain knowledge as possible. From homework to role-play, here are five tips to maximize shared understanding.
  3. Clean Code
    1. Write Change-Resilient Code With Domain Objects
      Although a product's requirements can change often, its fundamental ideas usually change slowly. That's why it is worth learning how to write code that matches the fundamental ideas of the product. It will make it more likely to survive future product changes.
  4. Testing
    1. Avoiding Interference in A/B Tests #PickOfTheWeek
      In this article, the author explores the various types of interference that can occur in A/B tests and discusses effective strategies to avoid them. By understanding the potential pitfalls and implementing best practices, you will be able to ensure the accuracy and reliability of your A/B test results.
  5. Agile
    1. The Surprising Cost of Bad Estimates #PickOfTheWeek
      Bad plans lead to many well-known problems. Teams deliver later than expected. Or the budget is blown by adding people in the hope that will help. Inaccurate plans frustrate both team members and stakeholders. But one of the worst impacts of a poor project plan is that the team loses credibility with its stakeholders.
    2. Scope Management 101 
      “Good, fast, cheap—your choice of two.” Yes, but… The author shares what truths this motto reveals and conceals.
  6. Project Management
    1. The real unsung heroes of software development #PickOfTheWeek
      With a skilled PM on your team, the stress of last-minute changes and miscommunications fades away, allowing you to focus on what you do best: building awesome software.

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