Friday, September 20, 2024

Link Dump #156

Reading has so many benefits. But I won't list any because I'm busy reading.

  1. Software Architecture
    1. Cloud Cost Optimization: Accounting Principles Meet Engineering Efficiency
      For DevOps professionals, finding ways to control cloud costs without sacrificing performance or availability is crucial. The good news is that several techniques blend accounting principles with engineering practices to make cloud cost optimization practical and effective.
    2. Navigating the transition: adopting Azure Linux as LinkedIn’s operating system
      In this post, the author describes LinkedIn's migration journey including their goals, challenges, key steps in the process and performance monitoring strategies.
    3. How Redis Achieves High Performance with a Single Thread
      In this article, you will delve into how Redis leverages its single-threaded design to achieve remarkable performance. The author explains the underlying mechanisms, data structures, and optimizations that enable Redis to handle high throughput and low latency workloads.
  2. Software Development
    1. Java heap memory and garbage collection: tuning for high-performance services #PickOfTheWeek
      This blog chronicles how LinkedIn's team overcame their challenges by using unique techniques for representing in memory java objects, upgrading to JDK 21 with ZGC, resulting in significant performance benefits, including zero thread stall time and 55% reduction in P999 latencies.
    2. Introducing Semantic Capability in LinkedIn's Content Search Engine
      In this blogpost, the author describes the design of a new semantic matching capability in LinkedIn's content search engine.
    3. 10 Things To Avoid in Domain-Driven Design (DDD) #PickOfTheWeek
      DDD is an important strategic approach to software development. In this article, explore 10 things to avoid in DDD and examples to illustrate these pitfalls.
  3. Agile
    1. Requirements vs. User Stories: Which Are Better?
      The author walks us through why both requirements and user stories are important tools in our arsenal — and why, as practitioners, we should never limit ourselves to just one.
  4. Communication
    1. Your Biggest Blind Spot Is You #PickOfTheWeek
      “I hate seeing myself on video.” Or even worse: “I’ve never seen myself on video.” If any of those sounds like you are aware you just lost one of the best ways to improve your communication style.

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