Friday, December 27, 2024

Link Dump #170

We read a lot together this year! How about a few more articles before New Year?

  1. Software Architecture
    1. Queues in Apache Kafka: Enhancing Message Processing and Scalability
      Adding queue support to Kafka opens up a world of new possibilities for users, making Kafka even more versatile. By combining the strengths of traditional queue systems with Kafka’s robust log-based architecture, users now have a powerful solution that handles both streaming and queue processing in a single platform.
    2. Observability 2.0 - The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread
      Traditional monitoring is not enough. We need developer-centric solutions that only Observability 2.0 can give us. Read on to see why.
    3. 5 Signs You’ve Built a Secretly Bad Architecture (And How to Fix It) #PickOfTheWeek
      In this article, the author explores five common signs of bad architecture, dissected their impact, and demonstrated actionable steps to address them. By focusing on reducing dependencies, balancing metrics, ensuring visibility into your codebase, establishing effective governance, and preventing complete meshes, you can transform your architecture into a strong foundation for innovation.
  2. Software Development
    1. Creating metrics that matter
      In this article, Connor Joyce explores how to go beyond basic usage metrics by defining meaningful success measures using the User Outcome Connection framework.
    2. Dates aren't what they used to be #PickOfTheWeek
      Time is both universal and highly subjective. Historical calendar reforms, political decisions, cultural practices, and geographical factors all influence how we measure and represent it. The Java java.time API makes it easier to handle these complexities by offering well-designed classes that gracefully handle offsets, zones, and conversions.
  3. Language and Libraries
    1. Empowering Your Annotations with Fields
      Annotations can do much more than be mere metadata markers on classes and methods. You can nest types within them, incorporate fields that reference helper classes, and even embed logic via static singletons. These capabilities provide a powerful mechanism for integrating domain-specific or framework-specific functionality right into your code, in ways that are both compact and self-documenting.

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