Friday, January 10, 2025

Link Dump #172

Ready or not, here it comes - new articles to read :)

  1. Software Architecture
    1. A phone company's customer experience: a great example of undesirable tight runtime coupling
      Tight runtime coupling increases latency and reduces availability. In the worst case, you can create an architecture that behaves like a string of Christmas tree lights: if one light goes out, they all go out.
  2. Software Development
    1. Harnessing the Power of DevOps for Seamless Software Delivery
      In this blog, we will explore the DevOps world and the best practices that can assist enterprises in achieving success in their software delivery process.
    2. TDD and the Zero-Defects Myth #PickOfTheWeek
      TDD isn’t a golden ticket to perfection, nor should it be. Here’s why the idea of zero defects is both unrealistic and, in many cases, extremely counterproductive.
    3. All Your Monitoring Solutions Are Just Wrong
      Modern monitoring solutions are wrong. They overfocus on metrics, capture too many generic signals and don’t provide any understanding. They put the burden of monitoring on the user and only help with presenting the signals in a nice way. This is not how we should move forward.
    4. Predictive Models Are Nothing Without Trust
      How the airport revamped its approach to data, creating a predictions engine that drives operational efficiency and improved customer experience?
  3. Languages and Libraries
    1. Hazelcast: Java’s Distributed In-Memory Data Grid
      Hazelcast is a distributed in-memory data grid designed to help Java developers tackle the challenges of real-time data management, caching, and messaging in high-performance applications. Hazelcast enables applications to scale effortlessly while ensuring fast access to data across distributed systems.
    2. Best Courses for Java Developers #PickOfTheWeek
      In the article, the author shares some amazing courses that’ll make you wish you’d found them way earlier. If you’re serious about building your Java skills, this guide is your roadmap.
  4. Leadership
    1. 5 strategies to master product leadership in 2025
      Just as each organization has its own culture, your team has unique personalities. In the article, you will find tips to build your product leadership approach as we begin the new year.
    2. Why You’re Chronically Overcommitted #PickOfTheWeek
      If you often feel overwhelmed by your workload, and feel you’ve got more on your plate than you can manage, it could be because you’re overcommitting. But there are strategies you can use to break out of this cycle, including micro-mastery and a decision delay buffer.
    3. 5 Mistakes Managers Make When Giving Negative Feedback #PickOfTheWeek
      Being a great people manager is not about being a friend or being liked by everyone all the time — it’s about being a manager who cares about their employees and helps them get their job done.
  5. Self-development
    1. How to outsmart bad habits?
      When replacing a habit, you identify three things, the existing cue, a new routine, and the existing reward. Learn how to make it easier to do it with your bad habits.
  6. Communication
    1. Skill Building Exercises in Interpersonal Conflict #PickOfTheWeek
      Here are a few exercises that might prove useful in discussions of interpersonal conflict.

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