Friday, August 2, 2024

Link Dump #149

It's time for reading! Yes, and it's Friday again ;)

  1. #BookOfTheMonthEnabling Microservice Success

  2. Software Architecture
    1. Maestro: Data/ML Workflow Orchestrator at Netflix
      Learn about Maestro - general-purpose, horizontally scalable workflow orchestrator designed to manage large-scale workflows such as data pipelines and machine learning model training pipelines.
    2. Scaling Challenges: Productivity, Cost Efficiency, and Microservice Management
      In this article you'll delve into the technical complexities and strategic adjustments undertaken by Trainline. By examining challenges such as managing peak transaction volumes and orchestrating microservice architectures, they aim to uncover the valuable lessons learned and insights gained from Trainline's journey.
  3. Software Development
    1. GenAI application development - a Cynefin perspective
      Cynefin is a framework that helps us understand the nature of the problem we’re facing. Does generative AI application fits to this framework?
    2. Releasing new features nobody cares about
      Many teams fall into the trap of becoming feature factories. In his book, David Pereira, a Product Coach and Author, helps teams overcome these dangerous traps and build products that customers truly love. Read a short excerpt from his book on releasing features that nobody cares about.
    3. Instead of restricting AI and algorithms, make them explainable #PickOfTheWeek
      Martin Fowler explains why he thinks he general principle should be that decisions made by software must be explainable.
    4. Embracing clarity: Shifting away from a culture of certainty #PickOfTheWeek
      If your organization feels stuck, and you’re continuing to push features that seem to fail in the marketplace, perhaps you’re stuck in the Culture of Certainty. That’s okay, because in the article you can find ideas on how to shift from certainty to clarity.
  4. Clean Code
    1. How tackling a client’s technical debt improved system resilience and delivered commercial impact #PickOfTheWeek
      Everything that we build should have a clear value articulation: that’s why making a strong business case is critical if you are to tackle technical debt head on.
  5. Testing
    1. Test Plan vs. Test Case: Key Differences
      In this article, the author explains the key differences between test plans and test cases, and how they work together to ensure software quality.
  6. Leadership
    1. Overcome Your Fear of Giving Feedback #PickOfTheWeek
      The author describes three of the most common pre-conceived notions I hear that contribute to feedback anxiety, and what to do about them.
    2. Snacking ain't good for you(r leadership)
      Read the article and learn what is snacking and why do we snack? Is that an activity you should remove completely?
    3. The Truth about Emotion: Stop Solving Problems that Don’t Exist #PickOfTheWeek
      Stories generate emotions. Before you act, confirm assumptions. The negative stories you make about others might be fiction.
  7. Fun
    1. Yes, No, NO NO NO NO

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