Friday, August 16, 2024

Link Dump #151

So many good readings and not enough time... yet, better to have too much than too few :)

  1. Clean Code
    1. The pattern format: an antidote to hype
      In this article the author describes a better way to structure the proposed solution: the pattern format. You will learn how it provides a balanced view of a solution. Let’s first look at the structure of a pattern.
    2. DDD Trilemma Explained #PickOfTheWeek
      Domain model encapsulation, domain model purity, and performance - how to keep the right balance between them? In the article you will find a few good ideas with examples.
    3. Double Negatives: The Enemy of Clear Code #PickOfTheWeek
      Double negatives in code can create confusion and hinder comprehension. By avoiding them, you can significantly enhance code clarity and improve overall code quality. Delve into the world of double negatives and explore why they should be banished from your codebase.
  2. Java
    1. Flux vs Mono: Choosing the Right Reactive Stream in Java
      This article will delve into the key differences between Flux and Mono, explore their use cases, and guide you in making the right choice for your reactive applications.
  3. Leadership
    1. Say No: The Key to Freedom #PickOfTheWeek
      You’re trapped if you can’t say no. Someone else runs your life when you’re a people pleaser. Saying yes creates obligations. Learn how to say no to find freedom to do what matters.
  4. Project Management
    1. Work smarter, not longer: Embrace fast flow
      The problem with long working hours is that humans get tired. Tired humans make mistakes and are less productive. Instead, companies should embrace fast flow.
    2. Unpacking the realities of continuous discovery
      In this article, the author examines how to evaluate the return on investment of continuous discovery and its role in identifying key opportunities.

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