Friday, August 9, 2024

Link Dump #150

Can you feel that? Can you feel this uncontrollable desire to read?
I thought so, what else but reading on Friday :)

  1. Software Development
    1. The Software Extinction Event That Wasn’t
      Imagine if the world’s most pervasive programming language, used in the majority of organizations, services, websites and infrastructure today, was itself made to be malicious?
    2. MongoDB Mastery: Essential Tips and Tricks
      From leveraging advanced querying capabilities to implementing robust data modeling strategies, this guide will empower you to build cutting-edge applications that harness the full potential of MongoDB.
    3. Investigation of a Cross-regional Network Performance Issue #PickOfTheWeek
      From problem through investigation to the root cause. Read the article to learn how engineers at Netflix found a root cause why one of their applications was experiencing timeouts.
    4. Popular Event Storming facilitation tips you need to know #PickOfTheWeek
      8 popular tips that will improve how you facilitate Event Storming workshops. Apply these tips to ensure participants engagement, and actionable outcomes!
  2. Agile
    1. Agile Spikes Deliver Knowledge So Teams Can Deliver Products
      Most work during a sprint will be directly related to building new features, and that is as it should be. It is also important, however, that Scrum teams plan for and allocate time for getting smarter. That's where spikes come in.
  3. Project Management
    1. Focusing on time to value over time to market #PickOfTheWeek
      In this article, Sebastian Straube, a Business Agility and Product Advisor, shares how focusing on time to value over time to market can enhance customer satisfaction and drive business success.
  4. Communication
    1. 4 Expert Tips to Transform Your Storytelling #PickOfTheWeek
      It’s truly painful to see how many speakers had all the makings of success – the right title, the right venue, the right event – and the wrong words. To help you not be the one like that, the author shares 4 pro tips for better-spoken word material.

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