Friday, August 23, 2024

Link Dump #152

Sun, coffee, something to read - isn't that a recipe for a perfect day?

  1. Software Architecture
    1. Architecting monoliths for fast, sustainable flow #PickOfTheWeek
      In this article, the author describes how to architect monoliths to achieve fast, sustainable flow.
    2. Mastering Microservices: Tricky Interview Questions and Answers
      Microservices architecture has become a cornerstone of modern software development. This article delves into the most challenging questions you might encounter and provides insights into crafting effective responses.
    3. 5 Proven Strategies for Successful Software Modernization
      An evolutionary approach to modernization allows you to unlock new capabilities without jeopardizing the success of your current system. Learn what are the key strategies that help you achieve this goal.
    4. Things I wish I knew when I started with Event Sourcing - part 2, consistency #PickOfTheWeek
      Let’s look at some common beliefs about consistency guarantees when using event sourcing and then contrast them with facts.
  2. Software Development
    1. Onboarding to a 'legacy' codebase with the help of AI
      One of the promising applications of GenAI in software delivery is about how it can help us understand code better. This is especially interesting for older codebases that are getting hard to maintain (“legacy”), or to improve onboarding in teams that have a lot of fluctuation.
    2. Big Feet In Small Shoes #PickOfTheWeek
      Don’t copy big tech company solutions in a smaller tech company. Learn the contexts and deliver value.
    3. Count(*) vs Count(1): Unraveling the SQL Counting Mystery
      In this article, we’ll delve into the intricacies of COUNT(*) and COUNT(1) to understand when to use each effectively and optimize your SQL queries.
  3. Self-development
    1. Take 5 Steps with Critics #PickOfTheWeek
      Learn how to use a 5-Step Plan for dealing with critics.

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